刪除主題 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/bd-p/DELETE 刪除主題 星期二,2023年8月08年13:58:09格林尼治時間 刪除 2023 - 08年- 08 - t13:58:09z 訪問客戶門戶 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/access-to-customer-portal/m-p/38266 M1461 < P >我麵臨問題與客戶門戶登錄和提高了一張票。然而,我沒有響應從磚< / P > < P > <強> <你>票細節:< / U > < /強> < / P > < P >機票號碼:# 00347016 < / P > < P >主題:,無法登錄到磚< / P > < P >狀態:,新的< / P > < P >請求者:,< / P > < P >優先:,正常< / P > < P >票務URL:, < A href = " https://help.www.eheci.com/s/case/5008Y00002F35iv " target = "平等" > https://help.www.eheci.com/s/case/5008Y00002F35iv < / > < / P > < P >獨特的TicketId:[,裁判:_00D61JGc4。_5008Y2F35iv ref): < / P > < P >, < / P > < P >, < / P > 2023年7月24日,星期一,09:52:43 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/access-to-customer-portal/m-p/38266 M1461 arka1 2023 - 07 - 24 - t09:52:43z 無法登錄到community edition帳戶 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-login-to-community-edition-account/m-p/36888 M1458

I have a community edition account and I am not able to login. "Invalid email address or password" error is thrown. When trying to reset password, after typing in the new password and clicking on submit the nothing happens and the page stays as it is

registered email id: shivam.sonawane212@nmims.edu.in

Please help!

星期二,2023年7月04 05:07:29格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-login-to-community-edition-account/m-p/36888 M1458 shivamrs 2023 - 07 - 04 - t05:07:29z
Lakehouse基礎證書 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/lakehouse-fundamentals-certificate/m-p/3612 M1 < P >嘿@Suteja Kanuri  @Kaniz Fatma ,我通過了lakehouse基本麵,但沒有獲得任何證書,幫助我如何下載的過程。< / P > < P >謝謝< / P > < P > < / P >寵物 媽,05年6月2023 14:49:54 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/lakehouse-fundamentals-certificate/m-p/3612 M1 Pet_12 2023 - 06 - 05 - t14:49:54z 無法接受數據Lakehouse基礎考試。誰能幫我如果我采取正確的課程嗎? https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-take-data-lakehouse-fundamental-exam-can-anybody-help/m-p/3648 M4 < P >我看了視頻Lakehouse基本麵v2。磚網站顯示的認證課程是長時間以來在維護現在(因為2個月)。即使在完成課程的考試不允許我。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >但是我能下載完工證書,但它不允許我考試獲得徽章。< / P >

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 7.49.21 PM

媽,05年6月2023 00:03:06 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-take-data-lakehouse-fundamental-exam-can-anybody-help/m-p/3648 M4 Jayanth_S_N 2023 - 06 - 05 - t00:03:06z
磚考試被暫停了 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-exam-got-suspended/m-p/3672 M10 < P >你好,< / P > < P > < / P > < P >我出現磚數據工程副v2今天考試(03/06/2023)。半個小時到考試我收到警報,不知道為什麼,我總是在鏡頭麵前。然後第二個警報出現,支持的人讓我給他看表完整視圖,在表視圖,等等。沒有什麼可疑,但他們暫停了考試並沒有給出任何決議。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >我幾乎回答了所有的問題,隻是我標記為回顧檢查答案。< / P >

Please let me know if I can continue the exam from that point, if you can reschedule, or if you can just publish the results for my current submitted responses. I really need to get the certification to implement Databrciks solutions on my current project.

My webassesor account: pratap.das@lntinfotech.com

Exam Name: Databricks Data Engineer Associate v2

Please let me know if anything else is needed from my side.

I have raised a request using the below link with request #00331576:




@Kaniz Fatma (Databricks)  @Vidula Khanna (Databricks)  @suteja (Databricks) 

坐,2023年6月3日07:33:41格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-exam-got-suspended/m-p/3672 M10 pratapdas 2023 - 06 - 03 - t07:33:41z
調查關於磚AI峰會2023:請求信息 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/inquiry -關於磚- ai峰會- 2023 - for/m p/3773 # M15請求 < P >親愛的磚團隊,< / P > < P > < / P > < P >我希望這消息找到你。關於我的計劃我接觸引發開發者認證考試。我準備這個重要的裏程碑,我想詢問一下即將到來的< B >數據+人工智能峰會和是否有任何考試券可用於虛擬與會者< / B >。< / P >

Attending the Data + AI Summit would not only provide me with valuable insights and knowledge but also offer a great opportunity to connect with industry experts and fellow data professionals. Therefore, if there are exam vouchers being offered to virtual attendees as part of the event benefits, it would greatly support my certification journey.

I would appreciate any information you can provide regarding the availability of exam vouchers for virtual attendees at the upcoming Data + AI Summit. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Dewang Agarwal

星期四,2023年01 6月08:27:16 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/inquiry -關於磚- ai峰會- 2023 - for/m p/3773 # M15請求 Dewang 2023 - 06 - 01 - t08:27:16z
磚憑證沒有收到. . https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-voucher-not-received/m-p/3781 M18 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我參加了磚會話周一17 April-Thursday 4月20日,完成了基本麵徽章和上傳鏈接的徽章是由您的團隊提供的。< / P > < P >但直到現在我還沒有得到任何憑證。< / P >

Please rectify this issue.


星期四,2023年01 6月05:42:15 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-voucher-not-received/m-p/3781 M18 Hemant2023 2023 - 06 - 01 - t05:42:15z
關於優惠券的信息 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/information-regarding-coupons/m-p/3803 M23 < P >有人知道如何獲得優惠券< B >磚認證副開發者Apache火花< / B >認證? < / P > 結婚,2023年5月31日19:16:39格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/information-regarding-coupons/m-p/3803 M23 pa1 2023 - 05 - 31 - t19:16:39z 無法執行hll_sketch_estimate從磚筆記本的內置函數 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-execute-hll-sketch-estimate-built-in-function-from/m-p/3801 M21 < P >嚐試磚的例子文檔< A href = " https://docs.www.eheci.com/sql/language-manual/functions/hll_sketch_agg.html " target = " test_blank " > https://docs.www.eheci.com/sql/language-manual/functions/hll_sketch_agg.html < / > < / P > < P > % sql < / P > < P >選擇hll_sketch_estimate (hll_sketch_agg(坳,12))值(1)、(1),(2),(2),(3)選項卡(col); < / P > < P > < / P > < P >與< / P > < P >失敗AnalysisException:未定義的功能:hll_sketch_estimate。這個函數既不是內置/臨時函數,也不是一個持久性函數spark_catalog.default.hll_sketch_estimate資格。1號線pos 7 < / P > < P > < / P > < P >如何執行高級語言功能從筆記本? < / P > < P > < / P > 結婚,2023年5月31日16:14:16格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-execute-hll-sketch-estimate-built-in-function-from/m-p/3801 M21 薩拉斯 2023 - 05 - 31 - t16:14:16z 我已經完成了“Lakehouse基礎”課程和評估和接收證書。要多長時間的英航…… https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/i-have-completed-the-quot-lakehouse-fundamentals-quot-course-and/m-p/3817 M27 < P >我已經完成了“Lakehouse基本麵”課程和評估和接收證書。要多長時間的徽章生成或過程得到它是什麼? ?< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper”圖片alt = "形象。png < img src = " https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/143iC92EA54EE489013E/image-size/large? " >v=v2&px=999" role="button" title="image.png" alt="image.png" />

結婚,2023年5月31日13:53:21格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/i-have-completed-the-quot-lakehouse-fundamentals-quot-course-and/m-p/3817 M27 Nishant1307056 2023 - 05 - 31 - t13:53:21z
開關從客戶合作學院 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/switch-from-customer-to-partner-academy/m-p/3832 M29 < P >我不小心注冊了客戶學院當我應該注冊合作夥伴學院。我怎樣才能切換到合作夥伴學院?我的電子郵件是一樣的,我用這個社區平台。Beplay体育安卓版本< / P > < P > < / P > < P >謝謝你的幫助< / P > 結婚,2023年5月31日09:13:01格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/switch-from-customer-to-partner-academy/m-p/3832 M29 lux-dev 2023 - 05 - 31 - t09:13:01z 錯誤409磚學院試圖克隆存儲庫時數據工程師學習路徑 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/error - 409 -時-嚐試- -克隆存儲庫- - - databricks/m p/3891 #兩個同伴M32 < P >我新磚和我做數據的工程師學習道路磚學院。當我按照說明和使用過程中所提供的url資源。我得到了錯誤409附件截圖所示。我可以在同一台計算機上瀏覽到url下載.dbc文件。所以它似乎並不是由於我們殺毒軟件阻止它。< / P >

repo clone issue

星期二,2023年5月30日10:47:40格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/error - 409 -時-嚐試- -克隆存儲庫- - - databricks/m p/3891 #兩個同伴M32 RPalmer 2023 - 05 - 30 - t10:47:40z
通過職業門戶無法申請工作 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-apply-for-jobs-through-the-careers-portal/m-p/3894 M34 < P >我無法申請任何磚通過招聘信息的網站。當我試著點擊“馬上申請”頁麵,需要我沒有明確我需要提交我的申請。我怎麼去呢?< / P > < P > < / P > < P > < A href = " //www.eheci.com/company/careers/enterprise - sales/enterprise -賬戶-執行- 6720048002”目標= " test_blank " > //www.eheci.com/company/careers/enterprise sales/enterprise -賬戶-執行- 6720048002 < / > < / P > 星期二,2023年5月30日09:31:19格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-apply-for-jobs-through-the-careers-portal/m-p/3894 M34 Saga_159 2023 - 05 - 30 - t09:31:19z 今天我安排我的磚在10.45有暫停任何和考試改期在7點和它被暫停了。我不知道為什麼gett…… https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/today-i-scheduled-my-databricks-exam-at-10-45-which-got/m-p/3914 M36 < P >今天我預定我的磚在10.45有暫停任何和考試改期在7點和它被暫停了。我不知道為什麼被暫停。我跟隨所有的協議,請安排我考試了。< / P > 星期一,2023年5月29日格林尼治時間15:59:24 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/today-i-scheduled-my-databricks-exam-at-10-45-which-got/m-p/3914 M36 Anjali 2023 - 05 - 29 - t15:59:24z 磚考試已經暫停 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-exam-has-been-suspended/m-p/3931 M38 < P >今天我安排我和磚考試的懸浮在了郵件你能幫我重新安排考試< / P > 星期一,2023年5月29日格林尼治時間08:06:47 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/databricks-exam-has-been-suspended/m-p/3931 M38 Anjali 2023 - 05 - 29 - t08:06:47z 不能重置密碼 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/not-able-to-reset-the-password/m-p/3937 M40 < P >我下麵試圖重置密碼鏈接< / P > < P >但仍屏幕緩衝和無法重置密碼。< / P > < P >請盡快檢查並讓我知道。< / P > < P > < / P > 星期一,2023年5月29日格林尼治時間07:31:38 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/not-able-to-reset-the-password/m-p/3937 M40 Kunal_Jamsutkar 2023 - 05 - 29 - t07:31:38z 認證憑證 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/certification-voucher/m-p/3973 M42 < P >如何獲得數據助理工程師考試的認證憑證? ? < / P > 2023年5月26日星期五,格林尼治時間05:39:14 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/certification-voucher/m-p/3973 M42 jatinpindwar 2023 - 05 - 26 - t05:39:14z 為什麼我還沒有收到我的Lakehouse基本麵認證徽章嗎? https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/why-i-still-haven-t-received-my-lakehouse-fundamentals/m-p/4036 M48 < P >我已經完成了Lakehouse基本麵認證,並通過了考試。但是我還沒有收到徽章。我可以看到它在credentials.www.eheci.com。請幫助。< / P > 2023年5月24日結婚06:28:28格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/why-i-still-haven-t-received-my-lakehouse-fundamentals/m-p/4036 M48 SatheeshReddy84 2023 - 05 - 24 - t06:28:28z 無法獲得Databticks代金券副開發者Apache火花3.0 - Python https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-get-databticks-voucher-for-associate-developer-for/m-p/4063 M50 < P >嗨團隊,< / P > < P > < B > = =如何獲得代金券= = < / B > < / P > < P > < B > < / B >第1步。你應該參加了會議現場。< / P > < P > < B > < / B >第2步。登錄到磚學院和完整的磚的基本麵Lakehouse平台認證V2 2023年4月28日安康;< A href = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDBeplay体育安卓版本k0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMiToN5REgqaH3T_-5nJGY4H0oK4I2-Dzu-QG9BTYz2Dh7KCzlHaoOS-ro-Z_nlKbSO0= " alt = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDk0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMiToN5REgqaH3T_-5nJGY4H0oK4I2-Dzu-QG9BTYz2Dh7KCzlHaoOS-ro-Z_nlKbSO0= " target = "平等" > < / >客戶,或是< A href = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDk0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMqs9r6K-yE1XIo5M3t0xutmEhUqzMa0IGGVl5pFV8QcGsa3LBZ2mcp52lHIs6snAuJQ= " alt = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDk0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMqs9r6K-yE1XIo5M3t0xutmEhUqzMa0IGGVl5pFV8QcGsa3LBZ2mcp52lHIs6snAuJQ= " target = "平等" > < / >。如果鏈接不工作,搜索“磚Lakehouse平台認證V2”在搜索欄或尋找“磚平台V2的學習路徑的基礎”課程目錄。Beplay体育安卓版本< / P > < P > < B >步驟3 < / B >。下載完成的證書的,經評估< / P > < P > < B > < / B >步驟4。完成our  < A href = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDk0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMkzwogStzp3pyTJEiRfodpj5ft7zEWz1I_49VmIhPiSwdaq-syLyz602cEMrTAR6v1c= " alt = " https://info.www.eheci.com/MDk0LVlNUy02MjkAAAGLOFvvMkzwogStzp3pyTJEiRfodpj5ft7zEWz1I_49VmIhPiSwdaq-syLyz602cEMrTAR6v1c= " target = "平等" > < B >反饋調查< / B > < / > < B >, 2023年4月28日< / B >,並提供你的證據完成(PDF或證書的截圖步驟3)的調查,和你將收到1 75%(價值150美元)憑證的七個磚的認證考試* choice  2023年10月1日之前< B > < / B >。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >我有徽章和colleguage也得到代金券。< / P >

I suppose to get Voucher so that can give exam.


Susheel Kumar

2023年5月23日星期二10:42:56格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/unable-to-get-databticks-voucher-for-associate-developer-for/m-p/4063 M50 Susheel 2023 - 05 - 23 - t10:42:56z
Azure磚與數據的工廠。 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/azure-databricks-with-data-factory/m-p/4089 M52 大家好,< P > < / P > < P >我新磚,有一個基本的問題磚的使用筆記本電腦在Azure數據工廠(ADF)。具體來說,我的問題屬於持續集成和持續部署(蔡先生)過程在處理磚ADF的筆記本。< / P >

I understand that we can individually achieve CICD for ADF and Databricks, but I am unsure how to implement CICD specifically for Databricks notebooks within ADF. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or guidance on this matter.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


星期一,2023年5月22日22:16:27格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/delete/azure-databricks-with-data-factory/m-p/4089 M52 aiNdata 2023 - 05 - 22 - t22:16:27z