政府和建築主題 政府和建築主題 星期四,2023年8月10 16:06:00格林尼治時間 administration-and-architecture 2023 - 08 - 10 - t16:06:00z SSO Azure的Active Directory:身份驗證失敗 M305 < P >我有一個磚磚平台的賬戶與E2版本。Beplay体育安卓版本統一登錄不上啟用帳戶,因為它是在6月21日之前創建的,2023。< / P > < P >我SSO身份驗證配置賬戶,對於一個給定的工作區(分別)。兩個配置使用相同的身份提供者賬戶層麵和在工作空間的水平。身份提供者是Azure Active Directory的房客。< / P > < P > SSO帳戶級別配置使用OpenID連接(OIDC)協議是推薦的文檔。< A href = " " target = "平等rel = " noopener " > < / > < / P > < P > SSO工作區配置使用SAML協議。< A href = " " target = "平等rel = " noopener " > < / > < / P > < P > < EM >允許汽車用戶創建< / EM >和< EM >讓我角色權利自動同步< / EM >特性不激活。< / P > < P > < EM > SCIM配置< / EM >功能沒有被激活。我們想有一個成功的身份驗證之前激活它。< / P > < P >我們跟著文檔的每一步但是我們仍然收到以下錯誤消息:<強>單點登錄身份驗證失敗的< /強>。< / P > < P >我們驗證每一個配置值,讀< EM >故障排除的< / EM >部分文檔。

I installed the SAML Tracer extension and analysed the SAML response. I seems that it is correctly signed. You can find it inside the file attached to this message.

Any help would be really appreciated,

結婚,09年2023年8月13:16:05格林尼治時間 M305 fradetjulien 2023 - 08 - 09 - t13:16:05z
無法登錄accounts.azuredatabricks.net和創建管理員帳戶 M304

Hello everyone

I'm trying to setup my admin account in Databricks Admin Console and am following these steps:

However, when I access page, click "Sign in with Azure ID" button and select my personal account, I see the following error:

Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application '2xx81xxx-x30x-xabx-x5cx-xxxe6f879xxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different account.

I've been stuck for the second day actually and can't find any relevant information how to resolve the issue or configure my account in Azure AD.
Probably I should register an app in Azure AD? If yes, could someone point me to the documentation please.

I have a tenant in Azure AD, with a single user (which I'm trying to use for login), the user has just one role "Global Administrator".

Thanks for the help!

星期二,2023年8月08年18:28:01格林尼治時間 M304 Olex 2023 - 08年- 08 - t18:28:01z
起程拓殖回購Git URL允許列表 M303 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我供應磚起程拓殖和想要添加特定的工作區使用github回購可以使用url。在UI是一個選擇,但當談到起程拓殖沒有具體。 

I came across custom_config option here but not sure how to use this for adding github url list. Can anyone help me with this?

Screenshot 2023-08-08 174830.jpg

星期二,2023年8月08年15:51:59格林尼治時間 M303 paritoshsh 2023 - 08年- 08 - t15:51:59z
數據市場私人交流 M302 < P >我想用數據Markerplace但隻有私人/本地模式,所以不想發表我的組織以外的任何產品。< / P > < P >我知道我可以創建私人清單,但這是可以做到的隻有從提供者控製台。< / P > < P >我添加到市場的作用,但沒有看到該選項。

My question is , if I don't want to create only private shares, I probably still have to be registered provider at databricks ? 

星期二,2023年8月08年14:00:43格林尼治時間 M302 •派克 2023 - 08年- 08 - t14:00:43z
如何刪除或更新集群級init腳本 M297 < P >我們正在反對dbfs基於集群級init腳本和用基於工作空間,因此找到一個方法來刪除dbfs集群級init腳本從所有正在運行的集群在我們的環境中使用REST API。  I couldn't not find a way to delete them using REST API, therefore reaching you out for a help.  

your early response is very much appreciated.  

媽,07年8月2023 22:14:25 GMT M297 dbx_8451 2023 - 08年- 07 - t22:14:25z
全球搜索編程 M296 < P >你好!< / P > < P >在工作區頭,有一個搜索框,允許我們尋找一個文本在工作區中所有筆記本電腦。 

Is there a way via CLI or API to call the global search https://<workspace-domain>/graphql/SearchGql so the result can be analysed automaticaly with a script? I couldn`t find a way in the documentation.

Right now I'm having to download all notebooks (API) to execute the search locally. The download itself takes too long (several hours) for there are thousands of notebooks across multiple workspaces. Even if i multithread, there's a limit of 30 requests per second. I also have to account for unsupported file formats and path size limitations.

So it would be best to use Databicks indexing to make this faster.

The request itself uses cookies to get the session ID and authenticate (I think) and I don't know how to reproduce it, say, in postman.

Is there a way to use a user token instead?


媽,07年8月2023 17:11:02 GMT M296 jrosend 2023 - 08年- 07 - t17:11:02z
啟用自動模式演化為三角洲湖合並為一個SQL倉庫 M293 < P > < SPAN >你好!

We tried to update our integration scripts and use SQL warehouses instead of general compute clusters to fetch and update data, but we faced a problem. We use automatic schema evolution when we merge tables, but with SQL warehouse, when we try to enable it before running a merge query (set = true), we get an error:
databricks.sql.exc.DatabaseError: Error running query: [_LEGACY_ERROR_TEMP_DBR_0222] org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Configuration is not available.
Is there any way to enable automatic schema evolution for Delta Lake merge for an SQL warehouse?
媽,07年8月2023 11:44:20 GMT M293 807326年 2023 - 08年- 07 - t11:44:20z
將磚賬戶管理角色分配給用戶組 M292 < P >我現在的組織,我們有一些用戶提供磚賬戶管理角色分配。但是根據我們公司的政策,個人用戶不應該被給予如此高的特權。他們應該給用戶組,用戶在這些組可以在廣告管理水平。< / P > < P >在這個意義上,是否有辦法將磚賬戶管理的角色分配給一個用戶組,而不是個人用戶。< / P > < P >我們目前使用Azure廣告和它與磚同步使用SCIM。< / P > < / P > < P >感謝 媽,07年8月2023 08:09:54 GMT M292 NadithK 2023 - 08年- 07 - t08:09:54z REST API的工作區與查詢內容不工作列表 M289


I'm trying to export the SQL Queries in certain folders in workspace, but the list content API call

GET  /api/2.0/workspace/list  doesnt work with queries? how should I export only queries in a certain folder in workspace?
Thank you very much


太陽,06年2023年8月15:28:54格林尼治時間 M289 Xyguo 2023 - 08 - 06 - t15:28:54z
磚運行時的JDK 17升級 M286


I'm using Databricks Runtime 13.2

It uses JDK 8. 

Question: Is it possible to upgrade the Java version to JDK 17?


星期四,2023年8月3日17:56:28格林尼治時間 M286 奧林克 2023 - 08 - 03 - t17:56:28z
磚提高工作與時間閾值監控工作流 M283 < P >磚引入了工作流的時間閾值。這個新成員允許用戶為工作流執行設置時間限製,大大提高監測的工作性能。當一份工作超過預設時間,係統觸發警報,促進快速應對潛在的效率低下。< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " ezgif-4-8ab9474b98。gif”風格= "寬度:999 px;< img src = " " >v=v2&px=999" role="button" title="ezgif-4-8ab9474b98.gif" alt="ezgif-4-8ab9474b98.gif" />



星期四,2023年8月3日11:51:56格林尼治時間 M283 Hubert_Dudek1 2023 - 08 - 03 - t11:51:56z
幫助需要:授予剩餘刪除組和服務主體 M280 < P >我們有一個問題在工作區由起程拓殖,改變進去更新組和服務主體(SP)的名字但由於內部訂單組和SP被授予前移除和替換更新。< / P > < P >如果我們現在試圖刪除舊的授予集團/ SP通過起程拓殖,UI或CLI,我們不能,和接收錯誤類似於說:“校長& lt; entity>無法找到“(& lt; entity>是一組名稱或SP ID) < / P > < P >最奇怪的事情是當清單贈款,已被刪除的組帳戶/工作區偶爾不顯示,但是幾秒鍾後返回。反複運行cli命令以獲得贈款的反複影響目錄顯示組返回和消失,這也可以在UI中。< / P > < P >在下麵的輸出“青銅集團”,“銀集團”,“黃金集團”和“unity_admins”已被刪除的組,與“& lt;老服務主體id>”也被刪除。< / P > < P >這第一個請求顯示所有組:< / P > < PRE >✦❯磚撥款獲得目錄生產< BR / > {< BR / >“privilege_assignments”: [< BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“青銅組”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“青銅”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“& lt;老服務主體id>”“特權”,< BR / >: [< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“unity_admins”, < BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“UnityAdmins”, < BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“銀集團”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“USE_CATALOG”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“& lt;新服務主體id>”“特權”,< BR / >: [< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“黃金集團”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“USE_CATALOG”< BR / >] < BR / >} < BR / >] < BR / >} < / PRE > < P >,這下一個幾秒鍾後返回,但沒有“青銅集團”或“銀集團”< / P > < PRE >✦❯磚撥款獲得目錄生產< BR / > {< BR / >“privilege_assignments”: [< BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“青銅”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“& lt;老服務主體id>”“特權”,< BR / >: [< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“unity_admins”, < BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“UnityAdmins”, < BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“& lt;新服務主體id>”“特權”,< BR / >: [< BR / >“ALL_PRIVILEGES”< BR / >] < BR / >}, < BR / > {< BR / >“本金”:“黃金集團”,< BR / >“特權”:[< BR / >“USE_CATALOG”< BR / >] < BR / >} < BR / >] < BR / >} < / PRE > < P >我試著重建組在相同的名稱,但是我無法把他們從賬戶工作區與類似的錯誤(“< SPAN >未能添加組:主要與id & lt;組id>不存在”)< / SPAN >,這似乎是相同的底層問題,在工作區中存在某種形式的內部狀態,無法清理/刪除引用舊的組織和服務主體。< / P > < P >(我們目前無法提高磚的支持請求在這個時候,我們已經在這裏建議提高並等待下一個可用的辦公時間)< / P > < P >任何支持讚賞!喬< / P > < P > < / P > 星期一,2023年7月31日22:01:29格林尼治時間 M280 JoeStringer 2023 - 07 - 31 - t22:01:29z 在資源組管理多個孤兒vm啟動和終止我個人的集群 M279 < P >你好,今天,我已經開始集群的問題,因此我做了多次明星和終止。問題是,這種行為總是啟動一個新的虛擬機資源組管理但不關掉它。因此我最終與多個孤兒VM,我不能阻止或刪除。 

Is there a ways to stop those machines? Does somebody have the same problem?




星期一,2023年7月31日17:03:56格林尼治時間 M279 milicevica 2023 - 07 - 31 - t17:03:56z
多銅層:多客戶數據 M274 < P >來自多個數據源的數據屬於多個客戶。beplay体育app下载地址< / P > < P >我應該創建單一存儲帳戶名青銅然後單獨為每個客戶的數據容器。< / P > < P >然後銀層中的數據合並。在這種情況下有什麼最好的架構。謝謝。< / P > 星期五,2023年7月28日05:55:32格林尼治時間 M274 vasu2 2023 - 07 - 28 - t05:55:32z 無法訪問帳戶管理控製台 M272 < P >你好!< / P > < P >我有問題,登錄到管理控製台。< / P > < P >單擊管理帳戶按鈕後,我花了工作區選擇窗口,選擇其中任何一個之後,我的工作區中打開了。< BR / >第一次登錄是由Acitve目錄全球管理員和帳戶管理控製台設置我的賬戶。可能是什麼問題? < / P > 星期四,2023年7月27日15:13:25格林尼治時間 M272 助教 2023 - 07 - 27 - t15:13:25z INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE。LOCATION_OVERLAP:重疊與S3存儲管理錯誤路徑 M267 < P data-unlink = " true " >我們試圖讀取一個S3 bucket使用統一目錄和選擇性得到“< SPAN > < SPAN class = " " > < SPAN > < SPAN class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE。LOCATION_OVERLAP: overlaps with managed storage error"  errors within the same bucket.  

This works:


But within the same bucket we get the location overlap error when running: ""s3://BUCKETNAME/dev/claims/")"

I reviewed the article, but it's unclear to me why one path works.  Is there something I should check other than IAM permissions for the bucket in question?



星期二,2023年7月25日12:23:08格林尼治時間 M267 shawnbarrick 2023 - 07 - 25 - t12:23:08z
不能使用起程拓殖設置賬戶管理 M266 < P >我想設置的賬戶管理服務主體為了創建統一目錄metastore。The Terraform code looks like this:


data "databricks_service_principal" "application" { count = var.environment == "dev" ? 1 : 0 application_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } resource "databricks_service_principal_role" "account_admin" { count = var.environment == "dev" ? 1 : 0 service_principal_id = data.databricks_service_principal.application[0].id role = "account_admin" }


This should theoretically work according to the answers in this thread.

But unfortunately I get following error from Terraform for the resource "databricks_service_principal_role": Error: cannot read service principal role: Service Principal has no role

For me this error message is not very useful and I don't know what is wrong here. Is this maybe a bug in the Databricks Terraform provider?

Site notes (if relevant):

  • I'm using the newest Databricks Terraform provider (V 1.21)
  • The Databricks workspace is deployed in Azure.
  • Using the "databrick_user_role" resource and trying to assign the account_admin role to a Databricks user will produce the same error message: User has no role

Looking at the source code on GitHub (Databricks Terraform provider) I found the error message from above but I don't understand why the "ReadContext" section in there is even executed.

It would be really nice if someone can help me, as I have to enable the Unity Catalog metastore very soon

星期二,2023年7月25日12:14:30格林尼治時間 M266 niklas 2023 - 07 - 25 - t12:14:30z
禁用有害命令在磚集群/工作空間的水平 M260 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我想阻止用戶執行命令像dbutils.fs有害。rm在集群級別/工作空間的水平。< / P > < P >在磚我們能做這個嗎?有任何類/ api,我們可以覆蓋嗎? < / P > 星期四,2023年7月20 11:41:38格林尼治時間 M260 PallaviVetal 2023 - 07 - 20 - t11:41:38z AWS S3對象鎖的時間表 M259


I see that Object Lock is not currently supported by Databricks:

Is there any timeline / roadmap for the support of this feature?

星期二,2023年7月18日21:46:03格林尼治時間 M259 timlopez 2023 - 07 - 18 - t21:46:03z
一個用戶分配多個組,但無法查詢一個數據表 M257

Hi all, 

I have a user who is enrolled in multiple groups within databricks but she is only able to query one of the query tables based on the original group assigned. 

For example:

Group 1 will only be able to view data where [group] (column) = 'group1' (value)
Group 2 will only be able to view data where [group] (column)  = 'group2' (value)

I have added this user in both group 1 and 2, so she should be able to query for both groups' data i.e. [group]= 'group1' or 'group2'. But she is only able to view 'group1' only.

Can someone advise? Thank you

星期二,2023年7月18日07:41:01格林尼治時間 M257 CL1 2023 - 07 - 18 - t07:41:01z