倉庫&分析主題 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/bd-p/warehousing-and-analytics 倉庫&分析主題 星期四,2023年8月10 18:22:57格林尼治時間 warehousing-and-analytics 2023 - 08 - 10 - t18:22:57z 計算列的總字節數 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/calculate-the-total-size-in-bytes-for-a-column/m-p/39449 M845 < P >我想計算的總大小字節為一個給定的列一個表。  I saw that you can use the bit_length function and did something like this giving you the total bits of the column but not sure if this is correct.

SELECT sum(bit_length(to_binary(content, 'UTF-8'))) as total_bites FROM mytable;
When I look at running the DESCRIBE, the table sizeInBytes is way less then the above.  Is that because the size in table is actually compressed vs the bit_length is calculating without compression?
結婚,09年2023年8月14:38:15格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/calculate-the-total-size-in-bytes-for-a-column/m-p/39449 M845 peterlandis 2023 - 08 - 09 - t14:38:15z
目錄進行反省和模式在Pycharm JDBC https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/introspecting-catalogs-and-schemas-jdbc-in-pycharm/m-p/39434 M844 < P >, < BR / > < BR / >我設法添加SQL倉庫作為數據源Pycharm使用JDBC驅動程序,可以從一個SQL查詢倉庫控製台Pycharm之內。這是偉大的,然而,我麵臨的是讓目錄和模式顯示在“數據庫”窗格中,我可以看到數據源,但沒有被檢索目錄或者模式。知道我如何糾正這種嗎?

Here's my jdbc URL:


結婚,09年2023年8月10:39:07格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/introspecting-catalogs-and-schemas-jdbc-in-pycharm/m-p/39434 M844 primaj 2023 - 08 - 09 - t10:39:07z
磚API返回的任務值設定在一個筆記本上 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/databricks-api-that-returns-task-values-set-in-a-notebook/m-p/39044 M839 < P >我正在返回工作流的一些統計數據,輸入的日期範圍可以是手動或當它運行在一個時間表設置它作為任務的日期範圍值。我能返回一個就是它已經被手動設置使用列表工作運行api和壓倒一切的參數值。我還沒有找到,我可以檢索,筆記本和一個任務中設置的值創建其他筆記本消費。< / P > 星期四,2023年8月3日14:45:58格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/databricks-api-that-returns-task-values-set-in-a-notebook/m-p/39044 M839 cmilligan 2023 - 08 - 03 - t14:45:58z 之間的區別是什麼:443 /違約和數據庫=默認在JDBC連接字符串 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing - analytics/what差異- - - - - - - - - 443 -默認-和-數據庫- default/m p/38543 # M833

When I use following java code to get namespace from AWD Databricks:



import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Properties; public class DatabricksJDBCExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:spark://your-databricks-workspace-url:443/default;transportMode=http;ssl=true;httpPath=sql/protocolv1/o/your-org-id/your-workspace-id"; String accessToken = "token"; try { // Load the JDBC driver class Class.forName("com.databricks.driver.Driver"); Properties connectionProperties = new Properties(); // Set the necessary properties for the connection connectionProperties.setProperty("user", "token"); connectionProperties.setProperty("PWD", accessToken); // Create a connection using the JDBC URL and access token Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, connectionProperties); // Create a statement Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Get the list of namespaces (databases) String showNamespacesQuery = "SHOW NAMESPACES"; ResultSet namespacesResult = stmt.executeQuery(showNamespacesQuery); System.out.println("Namespaces (Databases):"); while (namespacesResult.next()) { String namespace = namespacesResult.getString(1); System.out.println(namespace); } namespacesResult.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }



I can get 'default' as result.

After I changed the connection string to database=default

String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:spark://your-databricks-workspace-url:443;transportMode=http;ssl=true;httpPath=sql/protocolv1/o/your-org-id/your-workspace-id;database=default";

 It will throw error:

[SparkJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: TStatus(statusCode:ERROR_STATUS, infoMessages:[*org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException:Configuration database is not available.:48:47

星期四,2023年7月27日07:14:20格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing - analytics/what差異- - - - - - - - - 443 -默認-和-數據庫- default/m p/38543 # M833 charlie_cai 2023 - 07 - 27 - t07:14:20z
三角洲分享名單表,但表示“禁止訪問資源”當讀表的內容 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/delta-sharing-lists-tables-but-says-quot-access-to-resource-is/m-p/38519 M831 < P >我用權力BI桌麵連接統一目錄使用三角洲共享。當我連接,我進入我的端點,進入我的不記名的令牌,瀏覽目錄,可以看到我的表。但是當我嚐試預覽或加載一個表,我得到了“禁止訪問資源”的錯誤。 

I know the endpoint and bearer token are correct, since I can list the tables that I should be able to see. It's like there is a storage permissions issue, but I'm not sure what that would be. I'd appreciate any advice on things to try. 



結婚,2023年7月26日16:19:41格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/delta-sharing-lists-tables-but-says-quot-access-to-resource-is/m-p/38519 M831 麥奇 2023 - 07 - 26 - t16:19:41z
Neurorise官方網站(7月)2023年客戶接觸beplay体育app下载地址 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/neurorise-official-website-july-exposed-by-beplay体育app下载地址customers-2023/m-p/38402 M829 < H2 > < >強NeuroRise是什麼?< /強> < / H2 > < P > NeuroRise有機補充含有植物性藥材山楂和達米阿那治愈炎症和神經細胞功能。研究表明,原料在NeuroRise有神經保護的特性,能夠加速你的精力在生理和精神上比以前更有活力。 

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星期二,2023年7月25日16:47:12格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/neurorise-official-website-july-exposed-by-beplay体育app下载地址customers-2023/m-p/38402 M829 Wisdomnew 2023 - 07 - 25 - t16:47:12z
筆記本卡在初始化RocksDB https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/notebook-stuck-on-initializing-rocksdb/m-p/38324 M828 < P >你好,< / P > < P >在Azure上運行一個筆記本在nightrun磚,它在初始化RocksDB卡住了。我們不使用任何流數據也沒有RocksDB啟用。 

Anyone has any clue how to disable RocksDB or prevent this in the future?



星期二,2023年7月25日07:28:11格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/notebook-stuck-on-initializing-rocksdb/m-p/38324 M828 DennisD 2023 - 07 - 25 - t07:28:11z
多維模型和MDX查詢 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/multidimensional-model-and-mdx-queries/m-p/38256 M827 < P >是有辦法建立(虛擬)多維模型在磚和通過MDX查詢嗎?或任何第三方插件? < / P > 2023年7月24日,星期一,08:50:49 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/multidimensional-model-and-mdx-queries/m-p/38256 M827 n7r 2023 - 07 - 24 - t08:50:49z .getComments JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getColumns()()編碼的問題 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/jdbc-databasemetadata-getcolumns-getcomments-encoding-issue/m-p/37950 M823 < P >我用JDBC驅動程序加載評論保存在數據磚,相關表和列。< / P > < P >評論保存在中國返回壞的編碼。我使用< / P > < P > DatabaseMetaData.getColumns () .getComments () < / P > 結婚,2023年7月19日11:30:49格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/jdbc-databasemetadata-getcolumns-getcomments-encoding-issue/m-p/37950 M823 dprutean 2023 - 07 - 19 - t11:30:49z 預定查詢api通過工作 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/scheduled-queries-via-the-jobs-api/m-p/37901 M821 親愛的< P >, < / P > < P >我們自動化預定查詢通過磚rest api的過去。然而幾周前,我們注意到,我們得到一個錯誤:< / P > < PRE > < SPAN class = " " >{“消息”:“使用工作API來創建、更新或刪除預定DBSQL任務。”}< / SPAN > < / PRE > < P >我現在查詢到工作區和成功創建查詢(cli所顯示和rest api)但是我不知道如何安排。I have tried to create a job for this query with the rest api with the following json: 




{ "tasks": [ { "task_key": "MyQueryJob", "description": "Execute query", "depends_on": [], "existing_cluster_id": "$WAREHOUSE_ID", "notebook_task": { "notebook_path": "Queries/MyQueryNotebook", "source": "WORKSPACE" }, "timeout_seconds": 172800 } ], "run_name": "MyQuery", "timeout_seconds": 172800, "schedule": { "timezone_id": "GMT", "quartz_cron_expression": "0 00 * * * ?", "pause_status": "PAUSED" } }




In runtime I replace the $WAREHOUSE_ID with the sql warehouse id I want to run this query. However the response I got is:

Error: b'{"error_code":"INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE","message":"Cluster adfdf334... does not exist"}'

 I suspect I get this error because I pass an sql warehouse id whereas the json param expects a compute cluster id.

But how can I then schedule my query to run on the warehouse and not on a compute cluster?

Thanks in advance for your time.

星期二,2023年7月18日19:29:05格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/scheduled-queries-via-the-jobs-api/m-p/37901 M821 EDDatabricks 2023 - 07 - 18 - t19:29:05z
為什麼公司使用磚SQL和紅移的同時嗎? https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/why-companies-use-databricks-sql-and-redshift-at-the-same-time/m-p/37683 M818 < P >嗨社區,< / P > < P >我突然發現自己困惑,這可能聽起來像一個明顯的答案對於一些但不是對我來說至少在這一刻。< / P > < P >我沒有得到為什麼公司使用磚SQL和紅移的同時嗎?< / P > < P >我的意思是,與磚平台一旦你跑你的火花Beplay体育安卓版本工作創建一個增量表(酸作為默認磚格式)的支持,那麼可以使用這些表和查詢SQL數據分析師和數據科學家在磚。他們可以直接創建儀表板。他們甚至可以連接到BI工具如表,等……< / P > < P >我看起來像一個數據倉庫,因為數據結構格式已經準備好和可供使用的數據分析和數據科學家。< / P > < P >然後,為什麼公司使用大數據休息平台像磚和使用數據倉庫的紅移u其他在同一時間嗎?誰能給我澄清一下嗎?< / P > < P >提前謝謝< / P > < P > < / P >問好 坐,格林尼治時間2023年7月15日21:24:02 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/why-companies-use-databricks-sql-and-redshift-at-the-same-time/m-p/37683 M818 eimis_pacheco 2023 - 07 - 15 - t21:24:02z 需要連接美人工作室與磚表 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/need-to-connect-looker-studio-with-databricks-tables/m-p/37609 M817
Hi Team, 

I am creating my data warehouse on AWS s3 and corresponding tables on databricks warehouse.
I want to connect looker studio (which is different from looker) to these databricks tables and be able to create reports.
Could you please help us on the same.
星期五,2023年7月14日06:21:04格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/need-to-connect-looker-studio-with-databricks-tables/m-p/37609 M817 MonikaSamant 2023 - 07 - 14 - t06:21:04z
不能啟動SQL倉庫AWS https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/unable-start-sql-warehouse-aws/m-p/37354 M805 < P >不能啟動SQL倉庫AWS。倉庫是在開始很長一段時間和錯誤拋出< / P > 星期二,2023年7月11日07:03:22格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/unable-start-sql-warehouse-aws/m-p/37354 M805 Testing2 2023 - 07 - 11 - t07:03:22z 買TransferWise驗證帳戶 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/buy-verified-transferwise-account/m-p/37338 M804 < P > < BR / > <字體大小= " 5 " >購買驗證TransferWise賬戶< / FONT > < / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " Buy-Verified-TransferWise-Account1。png”風格= "寬度:734 px;< img src = " https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/2827i33DA6449354CF317/image-size/large/is-moderation-mode/true? " >v=v2&px=999" role="button" title="Buy-Verified-TransferWise-Account1.png" alt="Buy-Verified-TransferWise-Account1.png" />

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星期一,2023年7月10 19:49:41 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/buy-verified-transferwise-account/m-p/37338 M804 Account443 2023 - 07 - 10 - t19:49:41z
從磚筆記本,如何讓工作流程和任務名稱 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/from-within-a-databricks-notebook-how-do-you-get-the-workflow/m-p/37017 M787 < P >我有一個筆記本,我想使用工作流名稱和任務名稱,它將下運行。我怎麼訪問這些信息? < / P > 2023年結婚,05年7月12:47:56 GMT https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/from-within-a-databricks-notebook-how-do-you-get-the-workflow/m-p/37017 M787 naga_databricks 2023 - 07 - 05 - t12:47:56z 網絡應用程序連接到三角洲表倉庫 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/connect-net-app-to-delta-table-warehouse/m-p/36893 M786 < P >你好!我開發一個。net應用程序,我想使用磚倉庫作為數據庫。我有黃金三角洲表,我想查詢。在文檔中,我可以看到一個ODBC / JDBC驅動程序,這些連接器快?有另一種方式連接?的標準是什麼?must have to use azure synapse? 


星期二,2023年7月04 06:37:12格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/connect-net-app-to-delta-table-warehouse/m-p/36893 M786 apiury 2023 - 07 - 04 - t06:37:12z
終極指南在納孟買自行車信使服務 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/the-ultimate-guide-to-bike-courier-services-in-navi-mumbai/m-p/36461 M784 < P > < SPAN >在當今快節奏的世界中,高效、可靠的快遞服務扮演著重要的角色在確保貨物順利運輸嗎?When it comes to Bike Courier Services in Navi Mumbai, one name stands out: Grewal Transport Service. With its commitment to customer satisfaction and impeccable track record, Grewal Transport Service has established itself as a trusted provider of bike courier services. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about bike courier services in Navi Mumbai and why Grewal Transport Service is the ultimate choice.

When it comes to bike courier services in Navi Mumbai, Grewal Transport Service excels in providing reliable, efficient, and customer-centric solutions. Their commitment to timely deliveries, package safety, and competitive pricing sets them apart from the competition. Whether you need urgent same-day delivery or regular courier services, Grewal Transport Service is the ultimate choice for all your bike courier needs in Navi Mumbai. Trust them to deliver your packages with the utmost care, ensuring a seamless experience from pickup.

星期五,2023年6月30日09:39:38格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/the-ultimate-guide-to-bike-courier-services-in-navi-mumbai/m-p/36461 M784 grewaltransport 2023 - 06 - 30 - t09:39:38z
DWH自動化與磚作為目標 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/dwh-automation-with-databricks-as-a-target/m-p/36365 M783

WhereScape supports now Databricks as a target platform. 

星期四,2023年6月29日20:56:53格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/dwh-automation-with-databricks-as-a-target/m-p/36365 M783 Ssh 2023 - 06 - 29 t20:56:53z
無索引的索引 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/indexless-indexes/m-p/36216 M782 < P >超級興奮學習人工智能可以幫助提高性能和在我們的數據庫客戶。< / P >beplay体育app下载地址 星期四,2023年6月29日18:04:00格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/indexless-indexes/m-p/36216 M782 scbutler1 2023 - 06 - 29 t18:04:00z 買Paxful驗證帳戶 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/buy-verified-paxful-account/m-p/36213 M781 < P >買Paxful帳戶驗證,完全ID驗證accoun充分激活和準備使用驗證狀態。it fast and safe with phone &amp; documents verified.


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星期四,2023年6月29日17:46:18格林尼治時間 https://community.www.eheci.com/t5/warehousing-analytics/buy-verified-paxful-account/m-p/36213 M781 usglobals6433 2023 - 06 - 29 t17:46:18z