Connect to Prophecy

Prophecy helps teams be successful and productive on Apache Spark and Apache Airflow with low-code development, scheduling, and metadata.

You can integrate your Databricks clusters with Prophecy.

For a general overview and demonstration of Prophecy, watch the following YouTube video (26 minutes).


Prophecy does not integrate with Databricks SQL warehouses (formerly Databricks SQL endpoints).

Connect to Prophecy using Partner Connect

For an overview of the Partner Connect procedure, watch this YouTube video (3 minutes).

Steps to connect

  1. Connect to data prep partners using Partner Connect.

  2. In your Prophecy account, on the navigation bar, clickMetadata.

  3. ClickFabrics. The fabric for your workspace should be displayed.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If the fabric is displayed, skip ahead toNext steps.

    • If the fabric is not displayed, you can troubleshoot by connecting manually.

Connect to Prophecy manually

Use the steps in this section to connect Prophecy to your workspace.


To connect faster to Prophecy, use Partner Connect.


To complete this series of steps, you need a Databrickspersonal access token.


一個s a security best practice, when authenticating with automated tools, systems, scripts, and apps, Databricks recommends you use access tokens belonging toservice principalsinstead of workspace users. To create access tokens for service principals, seeManage access tokens for a service principal.

Steps to connect

To connect to Prophecy manually, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Prophecy account, or create a new Prophecy account, at

  2. On the navigation bar, clickMetadata.

  3. Click theFabricstab.


    If you sign in to your organization’s Prophecy account, there may already be a list of existing fabric entries.These entries might contain connection details for workspaces that are separate from yours.If you still want to reuse one of these fabrics, and you trust the workspace and have access to it, then skip ahead toNext steps.

  4. Click the plus (+) icon.

  5. Click theFabrictab.

  6. Enter aName, select aTeam, and enter an optionalDescription. (Do not change theExecution Urlvalue.)

  7. ClickCreate Fabric.

  8. In the list of fabrics, click the name of the fabric that you just added.

Learn about Fabric usage patterns.

Next steps

一個dditional resources

Prophecy website