Databricks SQL現在通常可為新工作區中的所有用戶啟用並啟用。
Databricks SQL演示概述
因此,今天我將向您展示從Databricks SQL開始有多容易。在Databricks SQL中,您可以使用SQL端點運行查詢,這些SQL端點為SQL查詢提供低延遲和無限並發。他們也神奇地自動賽。因此,開箱即用,我們為您提供對與您的數據完全集成的SQL編輯器,儀表板和警報的訪問權限。當然,您也可以連接到您喜歡的BI工具。好吧,我們向Tableau Power BI,Looker,Spotfire等開展業務。因此,讓我們開始。
因此,既然我們已經取得了結果,為什麼我們不看一些執行細節?您在這裏看到我們可以很好地了解實際發生的事情。我們還可以理解我們運行的一些以前的執行,如果需要,請返回以前的版本。If we’re really firing on all cylinders, we can also go ahead and leverage any of these keyboard shortcuts, for things like opening and closing new tabs, or even executing our queries, highlighting certain portions, everything designed to make your analysis as quick and easy as possible. Now, of course, sometimes you don’t just want to generate results, you also want to visualize them and share them with other individuals and teams in the organization. So why don’t we go ahead and add a visualization. And you’ll see that’s right side by side with my with my results, let’s just do a quick scatterplot of the average fare by route, see if we can figure out which which routes we probably want to avoid, because they’re a little pricey. So you can see here, I was able to quickly just add that, that visualization. And I can quickly spot any of these outliers that I might want to avoid when I’m planning my trips – probably better to take the subway. So now this is great, I’m starting to generate some insights already. But what if I want to organize these insights per system and kind of come back to them time and time again with my team? Dashboards are a great way to do this. And of course, I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, we provide a number of sample dashboards out of the box. So let’s go ahead and pick our NYC Taxi one.
Now, you’ll see that this dashboard provides a great example of a number of capabilities you might want to take advantage of, whether that’s conditionally coloring certain values in a table, or adding interactivity via parameters and allowing the consumers of these dashboards to set different date ranges. And what’s great is if there’s a key metric I’m tracking like total trips, I can also right within Databricks SQL set up an alert so I know when certain thresholds are met. So here you’ll notice that I’ve selected my query total trips, I’ve decided I want to know as soon as we crossed that magical 300 mark for that time range. And we just want to get notified once when it happens. So I’m going to go ahead and create the alert. I’m going to tell it to send to myself. And I’m also going to go ahead and decide to make sure the entire team knows too, and make sure that message goes to Slack as well.
好吧,因此,為什麼我們不跳到Tableau,在那裏我已經將其配置為直接從Databricks SQL查詢並點擊這些SQL端點。您可以在這裏看到我能夠在Tableau儀表板上開發同樣的數據觀點。而且,如果我想打開任何東西並進行一些其他分析,例如,我想通過刪除代碼來理解路線票價的差異。您可以很快看到這裏,我可以看到哪些郵政編碼彼此非常接近。您可以看到很短的旅行,非常便宜的旅行。但是,如果我走得更遠,我也可以開始獲得更多的見解,並了解距離實際上更長的地方。這一切都是通過單擊按鈕來針對我的Databricks SQL數據生成實時查詢。因此,希望這使您了解了數據湖上的分析方法是您要使用我們的內置功能還是您喜歡的BI工具的可能性。