




演講者:丹尼斯Ontiveros梅洛和Monzy Merza







——是的,我認為這意味著相當多的安全。我總是發現角度安全如何提供價值。我認為關鍵是,我會看到,哦,伯內特魯尼,它說,“我們不能獨自做到這一點。“對吧?這是非常真實的,這些困難的問題,對吧?我們要與大量的合作我們…,合作夥伴,合作。會有比以往更多的數據共享。所以,能夠促進整個創新周期來尋找新技術,將拯救地球的能源挑戰或新的電池技術,將使我們任何的低碳技術,或更有效率的操作,我們需要幫助,對嗎?我們需要以一種安全的方式來促進。所以,我認為安全發揮了巨大的作用。我總是談論這種二分法,錯誤的二分法和真正的二分法。 A false dichotomy is this, “We need to compromise privacy for security,” “or security for privacy.” And then, you’ve got this true dichotomy which is, “How can we set the data free, securely?” And that’s a challenge that we have. So, we need to enable the business in that side. So, that’s one piece, how can we enable the business, the people building, the digital builders building things, that’s our first thing. And the second thing is to facilitate transition through innovation, how can security ourselves use technology more? How can we use AI? How can you use ML? How can we use big data? How can we use the cloud, you know, sort of technologies more natively. So, in other words, we’ve got a legacy in large scale data. We stream today over 5 billion events per day, right? And that’s growing, that’s growing. So, how can… We can’t do that with the old way of doing things, we need to think about different things. So, I think we have a very exciting role to play in this value chain.


-是的。規模很有趣,因為我認為這就是問題所在。我想我們真的不規模。特別是過程等等,那麼我們需要共享信息。我的意思是說,有一件事是前麵和中心,正確的,數字的信任。所以,我們需要確保相信消費者和客戶放在我們總是保持。beplay体育app下载地址所以,我隻是想確保的。但我的意思是,規模是最大的問題。我們需要規模從技術的角度來看,我們需要規模從過程的角度,從人的角度來看。從技術的角度來看,很明顯,現在朝著雲本機技術但真的擁抱這些架構,正如我之前說的。 I think the second thing is process wise, if I go back to the agile manifesto, individuals and interactions over process, as much a process as we need, how can we orchestrate and automate some of those processes? So, that’s a key thing. And then, people wise, there’s a massive shortage, in the industry. And you don’t find those unicorns in the security industry. We talked about always how many people or how many people you have versus people well security people, you know, even have less of, right? So, I think those are true so how can we build the knowledge we have into the platforms, codifying it so we can scale from that perspective. So, that’s really, I think, what we have ahead of us. When we moved to the cloud we made a conscious decision that we were not gonna take the legacy with us. And we’re going to use this as an opportunity to transform how we architect security and how we architect things, how we architect teams, is actually, has a direct impact on what the result is or what comes out. I think that that was… It’s not only the technology but it’s also a team architecture of how we think about things. So, that’s key. We do have a dual cloud strategy and, you know, like many other companies you’d be working with two or three types of clouds. So, I think it’s key there that we have some core components that always data, identity, protection, security, using platforms like Databricks to make sure we have a harmonized layer across everything and we can keep that visibility which the cloud sometimes is a challenge because of the scale. So, I think those are fundamental elements that we can do. And that’s fundamentally, at the core of it is, when we talk about scale, we talk about data permits us to automate, which permits us to scale. And if you follow that through, it always plays true. That permits us to have frictionless and pace, right? So, I think that that’s at the core of our philosophy of how were we gonna scale.


——所以,是的,這是個好問題。我的意思是,我真的覺得很有意思,這是隻是在過去幾年已經到了我的頭但是自動化總是聯係在一起的,你知道,做事做事更快和更便宜。但實際上我認為自動化帶給我們,它讓我們以不同的方式思考。當你東西就像行為工程自動化。你把一個開發者,你把一個問題,你得到一個解決方案。但是它讓我們認為比declaritively,它迫使我們去思考,我們的流程是如何工作的以及如何設計。所以,這是它的巨大價值,顯然,把事情更快、成本更低。更聲明性是很好的,因為當我們與我們的客戶交互,開發商的建築商,組裝的人創新的解決方案,在傳統安全交互不是…是很主觀的,它不是很客觀。beplay体育app下载地址更聲明在這個關係,期望是什麼。你可以回到你知道,當有人激勵理論有清晰的目標和目標和期望是清晰的,它隻是一個更好的關係。 It’ll be a happier relationship in general. And I think that helps us you know, to codify what expectations are with the other parties, with the developers. That’s what I think automation really brings us. And in the end, I think it’s about, you know, making sure that the CSOs, future CSOs will be judged on their ability to enable those digital innovation teams, those digital builders. You know, there is simply less of an appetite for control, that is a reality but I think we can still keep that control if we change the way we think about things through automation and be much more declarative around our policies. So, I mean, I’m really excited for that challenge, orchestration around automation is fundamental. We’ve automated many things, right? I think we’ve done things with data and automation around self servicing, our vulnerability management processes. We’re able to collect information around our usage of all our dashboards so we can remove access early. And basically nudging users when something is of risk. So, nudging theory but using data behind it for security purposes. So, it’s just the beginning really. I mean, all that data was there latent and platforms like big data platforms, like Databricks accelerates that journey, especially for the developers. Get running very quickly. We don’t have to worry about the infrastructure. If more clusters are scaling properly. We could just get straight to it. So, I think that’s really useful in our automation journey.


-是的。我想談文化,你知道的,在正常的技術安全社區是一種…感覺很尷尬的逃離,但真正的底部,你可以看到人們在談論它越來越多的因為它是真正的是你如何改變?你如何創建一個不同的文化在安全嗎?安全的選擇,對吧?如何實現呢?我有幾個例子。我的意思是,一個是我們的網絡指標,對吧?和我研究,商業和行為經濟學和行為科學,是我們如何應用網絡嗎?基本上是一個晴雨表儀表板,我們表麵的人。這是我最成功的產品之一,安全產品在我們的數字安全實踐在英國石油公司。 And it’s great because it creates lots of conversations, typical things. Why am I a 65 and not a 75? And why am I, you know, yellow and not green? The important thing is it drives the conversation. And especially around a topic like security, which is a normal topic to discuss about. But definitely, what it makes us think about, we’ve built that whole platform on again, on components that data breaks together with visualization layers like BI and on the Azure infrastructure. But it’s a great success from my perspective around “are you driving the right outcomes?” The typical conversation is some people are interested, why the scores are high and what they can do about it. Others are like, “If I do this, will my score go up?” And that’s not the behavior we want to drive. So, it’s in “are we building products “that are driving the right outcomes “to our consumers and our users?” “Are we making them choose the safest path, “transparently?” So, that’s one culture we wanna drive. The other culture’s in the development building community. So, we do threat modeling, we try and drive a different culture there, making them think about things, what could go wrong very early in the process in the life cycle, around the application development. And we’ve had great results on that, which you are measuring again through data. We’re taking all that data and we’re surfacing all that data to the developers in a dashboard, using platforms like Databricks. Again, to give them, very early insight into what’s going on. There’s this rapid feedback loops which are so important in agile. Again, there’s a different culture to shift. And then, finally, I mean, how do we drive, that the greatest things to drive is a culture change within the security teams is to give something back to the community. We take so much from the community and it’d be great to give back to the open source community. So, on that topic, I mean, it’s great to announce in the week of the 2nd of November week we have released a spot based safe reader, which is… we’ve developed within the security group that permits people to go and do normal SQL queries without any programming anything directly against SEF format, SEF is common event format. So, everywhere within the security, tooling has been knit together from many different sources. And I think that permits people to go directly into the note box and basically you don’t have to transform any information, you just can use this reader and you can go and do a query directly against SEF, wherever it is stored, in S3 or Azure Blob, wherever you have it. And we feel very proud that we are able to give a little bit back of so much that we take back from the community. So, again, all those things combined, all those things combined.






-是的。我的意思是,我們開始我們的旅程與終端用戶和我們的晴雨表的開始。現在,我們嚐試,我們基本上推斷到鄰近的用例不同社區的興趣,開發人員。和開發人員創建的建築,這就是風險。你怎麼能幫助他們盡可能成功?我們怎麼能把安全工具和他們來找我們。和現實隻是工作在他們的工具集。是的,那裏的晴雨表已經開始和我們絕對開發者社區給那些很快反饋循環。還有其他感興趣的社區,將帶來的風險,我們需要確保我們支持他們所以他們成功。和我們做的所有數據。 So yeah, really excited about that.


——好吧,正如我所說的,一切都不斷的變化,所以我們要,不管我們今天構建明天我們可能需要拆卸。我認為我們需要方法從情感的角度看問題。我認為我們總是談論,在開發者社區,但與其說在安全社區。安全社區更靜態在某種程度上。所以,我們需要一些經驗的開發者社區。什麼站,所以技術方法也改變很多,但我們使用的情況下,我們隻需要做好準備,不斷。但我的意思是,在最後,我們想討論的術語集中能夠分散。或者我們會聯合控製。再一次,回到它的規模,安全團隊規模不會,對吧?我們需要建立安全平台,開發人員可以Beplay体育安卓版本做的事情。 Build great things, innovate things, find the next sort of a low carbon energy. And I think that’s what our journey is there, how can we create security as a service where people by choice can come and say, “Hey, I wanna secure it.” And it really is frictionless. There’s the API, there’s the data, there’s a common way of doing. This is how I manage secrets. So, I think it’s about doing that. And if you build something great that’s frictionless, then the adoption will come. And that’s our KPI. How can we move to mass adoption? How can we reduce the time from when we detect something to when we resolve things? And data really is at the core of that. And actually has been there for awhile, it’s just now the big data technology that is at our disposal had a good, you know, sort of entry point, I mean, amidst that to be possible. So I’m really excited about, I think we are only starting really right now.




-是的。我的意思是,我覺得我們有很多技術處理。所以,我們還有很多收斂在安全社區和安全工具環境。所以,我認為這些新技術允許我們合理一些,這很好,但是我花了很多時間在我的生命中縫合在一起的安全工具。這麼多時間。所以沒有時間獲得的利益的安全工具。真…我有點後悔,但是你不能回到過去。所以,前進是唯一能得到那些開發人員,安全工程師啟動並運行。網絡數據科學家我稱之為獵人的天堂,在數據湖泊,我們怎樣才能讓他們在那裏快速、不需要擔心其他的東西?我們談業務的抽象的東西,從業務安全社區的但我們也應該這樣做,對嗎? Because the value is not in stitching those things together doing platform engineering or network engineering, the value’s in actually getting the value out of that stuff. So, I think, again, we’re only at the beginning of that journey and I think we can just cut that time very quickly and get productive much faster.

——小子讀者就真的你大步不僅僅是為自己,你本周宣布11月2日,但它也是一個大步的社區,社區也可以促進劑,而不是做了很多這數據工程平台的東西。Beplay体育安卓版本現在少了一個東西,人們不得不擔心自己滾。所以,這真的很酷。因此丹尼斯,感謝你加入這個對話。幾大外賣從我,最大的一個我認為在使用數據,使自己更加聲明信息共享。第二個是在自動化。我真的很喜歡你的方式說明了自動化的概念,使您能夠獲得規模。我還聽到了很多你的味道和自動化分析自動化,不僅傳統的滑輪組的自動化方式。最後一個是我要包在啟用的範疇,使人們在英國石油公司和組織,然後也使社區安全社區走到一起,因為我們是真的,雲是一個新領域,它需要一個新的心態。我想也許對我來說,最大的外賣的那三個是你說了什麼,你這個機會的影響作為一個心態去雲的好處你學過的東西但不是你給你帶著行李加速度能夠做得更好。 So, Dennis thank you so much for joining this conversation. Thank you for being a Databricks customer and let’s take some questions.






